Thursday, December 10, 2009

oh what a wonderful night

As i was practicing music with steven for this sat's show, i can't help but have the words to his song hit my heart so deep.
some of the verses goes like this.
"Leaving you was the biggest mistake that i've ever done
and I know that things will never be the same"
"don't forget the moments that we share
don't forget the what we have"

i can't help but feel a sting in my heart as i play this song but I can really smile now. I have finally not let all the pressure and stress get to my head. I accept all the things that's happened and just try to step my perspective back. That all the love i need as of now is God's love. That is the love that i really need to know as of now. If i don't learn NOW how great his love is for me, how much he loves ever since I was created by his hand and was placed in my mother's womb, then i think it will be harder for me to learn in when im having another replacement that i put in my life as my God.
if that makes sense at all...
i still miss you. i still wished i didn't decide things on my own. i wished i listened to my mentor..
but the best thing i can do right now is to obey Jesus in him telling me to prioritize my family, school, and ministry. I will never be done being processed by God... and i'm certainly am not done being proceeseed in the area of receiving attention from the right male figure, my father on earth. This is one priority that i need to work on.

I want to start off the year right. i want my heart to be right with God... no more feeling condemn, guilty or following what my flesh wants and have instant gratification.
I will learn to wait upon God and learn to love Him with all my heart, my body and my soul.
that would be an amazing spiritual high.
thats all for now.
i can say, describe, explain so many things.. i don't know if it's going to make a difference.
i'm willing to do anything i can so that i don't add on to the hurts in your heart.
my last words will be this.
my love does not fade away just like that. everyday i think about you and hoped of a better situation between us. I can't change the past but I can better my future. I will seek God so that i will be processed to be the best me... someday i can make someone happy but only when God gives me the go. Then i know in my heart God will bless me in evrything that I am in.
I pray that you will get closer to God so much more. The most appealing thing will be that one day you will be a man that seek's after God's own heart. i will be able to see that God really does live in you and that your old self has died. That's an exciting life to be living in.
i will miss you and i hope i will be able to express all my feelings, be true to my feelings and help you get the piece of mind of all that happened.
"tonite i'll be missing you"... this is see you later chubbie bunnie

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


why does love have to be so complicated. is it me. is it in my head that i keep on running things over and over and just blaming myself..
i can't help the feeling that i hurt somebody in the process to pursue what it is to be loved.
i am looking for love at the wrong places... it's nice that someone cares so much that he's willing to do anything for me..
then i realize through all this mess, God still loves me. HE is showing me that no matter what i've done, He still loves me anyway. i don't need to keep on blaming myself over and over for the past. i can;t change the pass. what i can do is move on, forgive myself and be satisfied that even though it is really tough right now, I am obeying God.
that is a satisfying feeling in itself... I know God sees me hurting and he doesn't want me to hurt anymore. He wants to heal me of this empty heart of mine... the empty heart that is looking for my dad's love and attention and the love of my Father in heaven.
so tonite eventhough it hurts to remember the memories and to have lost someone i loved, I know God is still here comforting me... and that special guy is still out there loving me.
~God loves me.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

no stress no stress

to think of what i have to face this week, actually it wont be that hard.
let me rephrase that... the finals i will take wont be challenging but spanish will somewhat be challenging.
i have to spend more time studying for that subject.

What will help me this week is to put on the armor of God as it says in Romans... something.(don't remember) i will not be afraid even if "i walk throught the valley of death." Jesus's rod and staff will comfort me. His words will up lift me when i feel down, His presence is strong in my life and I will obey what he tells me.
I will not make anymore comprimises and prioritizes first things first. I will not be afraid to walk and break free of the old me. I will rejoice when I am put in uncomfortable situations because that will make me stronger in the end.
I am not saying that I am perfect and will do all this by myself, not at all.
I am learning that through my weaknesses, God pulls through to help me and guide me because I can not walk on my own strength any longer. im thankful that eventhough i struggle emotionally right now (on and off) God is still guiding me, protecting my thoughts, so i give over the control to him and submitting to Him fully.
This is what I want to do this week and learn to do for the rest of my life.
Hey if it takes a circumstance to come to my life to remind myself of what I need to do spiritually, then I will be thankful to God once again that he is leading me. I admit my wrongs and my wrong choices, not so wise decisions and just going about things with my own wills but Romans 8:28 shows just how much grace He gives me and how much Love he is giving me.
That unconditional love is some powerful stuff I need to learn!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Love based on the Godly way

throw out all the love songs from this world, all the wrong paradigms of how people see what love is and what do you get?? True love from God's definition. Here it is...

1 Corinthians 13:4 -7
"4 Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud5 or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.6 It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out.7 Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."

This is a great lesson that im learning from devotion. It's so easy for me to keep records of what other people wronged me in. you did this, you did that, but through God's grace, i just can't keep on operating on my feelings anymore and choose to forgive. Forgive myself, others and let go off all the things that has been bothering me.
Parents, friends and my loved ones only do things out of love. No matter in what way they do it, they only do it out of love because they don't gain anything from telling me the truth.