saw my CR leader posting a birthday card for me... so i went in to the apps to see what other cards was a vailable and i found this//
so cute! makes me think of easter when i was a kid cause of the rainbow color in the background.
anymeways!! today will be a reset day. DAY 1 again to fasting. sigh.. last nite was a good goodbye. woke up so sleepy and when i took my quiz i was still dazed. THen when i started trying to figure out the quiz i was having a hard time remembering how i did these problems back when i had to do my hw... aii
yelps!! but i think i did ok. =)
things to do this week:
dinner with YAP people/don't really wanna go cause it's all the way in SB and it's raining. I don't feel like dressing up... prob gonna go to pst. mike's house to just hang out with Stace's soon to be parents in law.
thursday. finish projects/hw/go to disneyland to see if i can get the free tix and exchange it for a later date.
friday. go to a fashion show and if possible help out!! woot woot.. dang i wish i can get their clothes for free ..=) that would be a really good b day present!!
aii. one more day till i am one year wiser!! not older, wiser heh.
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