Thursday, March 5, 2009

what a month

ALl i have to say about this month is that it's been a roller coaster ride. I don't know whats going on but what all my friends have been telling me is that what ever happens, God is still in control. He will work all things to those who love Him. I will not be tempted beyond what I can't bear but when I am tempted, He is good and will provide a way out and stand under it. something like that

siighhh so let me tell you what have been going on with me

i have been going back and forth to the hospital. Since September of 08 I noticed a lump/bump in the back of my ear. I found it was my lymph node. What it does is it enclosed any substance (usually that I am allergic to) in a vessicle as a defense mechanism.

I kept on going back and forth to Kaiser Permanente from Nov to January. My doctor at HEad and Neck department was Dr. Kim and she gave me 2 months worth of antibiotics. I think that really played apart in lowering my immune system. That and i really did not have a good eating habit with the busy schedule i had for work, school, and nite classes like crown financial and celebrate recovery during the fall quarter.

I guess i kinda let the sickness entertain me. Meaning like I kinda enjoyed somewhat that i had this lump thing behind my ear. At this point there was 2 bumps. So after 2 rounds of antibiotics, the doctor told me to have a CT scan and pathology. sigh.. so before I went to the hospital to get my CT scan, i drank theraflu because I had a little cold. Well after the CT scan, I felt a bit drugged up because they had injected a lot of iodine in me very fast, at a very short time. Mixed with the theraflu, my body was really wozzy and not fully functioning. I went to my car and drove home though. Before I left the parking lot I decided to just call my friend to see if she wanted to hang out and what caught my attention when i was talking to her is that she said i should've asked someone to drive me to the hospital. i thought in my head, well that's true but reasoned out that well I went to the hospital before and drove myself. I should be fine driving myself...

...continued blog on MArch 10th, 2009

to make a long story very short.. things happened that made me very sad. I lost a car that God gave me. I named it Gilbert cause I thought that the shape and color of the car fit well with that name. I realized that yeah it is sad to have all these things happened to me but I realized an even more important lesson from reading the Bible last month.

I was reading about Job and what I learned from this chapter in the Bible is that He still gave thanks to the Lord eventhough there was so many freak accidents that happened to his family. His response to all the problems that was going on in His life was to rejoice and Glorify God. He gave thanks, tore open his robe, shaved his head and kneeled down to acknowledge that GOd is still good. WOOWW after I read that, I thought to myself man I have been giving such a horibble response. If Job can give thanks when he went through soo much more things than me, I shouldn't be stuck in this rut of self-pity and being sad! A light bulb moment came on.

sigh there's been a lot more stuff going on during these few weeks but i will leave that for a later blogging.